Wifi Microwaves

and the Consequences to our Health!

“Mr. Barrie Trower, a British physicist who was a microwave weapons expert and who worked for the Royal Navy and the British Secret Service, talks about the health effects of WiFi and other forms of microwave radiation.

Wi-Fi Dangers Made Worse by Cumulative Effect Wireless routers – as well as Bluetooth and similar wireless systems – give off electromagnetic radiation in the low-gigahertz frequency. This level is considered potentially dangerous to people. And the danger is compounded by several factors:
Just like the wireless signals themselves, the EMFs can pass through walls. Most routers are not turned off at night, so you are exposed 24/7. You are not only exposed to EMFs from your own router. Did you ever search for a wireless signal and see not only your wireless network, but also your neighbor’s and the one from the business down the street? All of them emit EMFs.

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